In View of the City...

In order for C3V to grow, to provide more programs to the community and better serve the needs of our church, we need a place to call home. 

A place that is safe and welcoming to all. 

A place where the Presence of God is free to move and we are free to receive from Him.

Our goal to raise $50,000 to obtain a long term lease on a property in downtown Vancouver. 

To make this a reality, we will require the faithful giving of all who call C3V their home church; no amount is too small or too great.


To make regular contributions to Vision Builders, simply select from the options below or set a custom amount and click to open the giving window.

Give $10

Making an impact in our community, city, nation and the world.

Give $20

Making an impact in our community, city, nation and the world.

Give $50

Making an impact in our community, city, nation and the world.


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