In order for C3V to grow, to provide more programs to the community and better serve the needs of our church, we need a place to call home.
A place that is safe and welcoming to all.
A place where the Presence of God is free to move and we are free to receive from Him.
Our goal to raise $50,000 to obtain a long term lease on a property in downtown Vancouver.
To make this a reality, we will require the faithful giving of all who call C3V their home church; no amount is too small or too great.
To make regular contributions to Vision Builders, simply select from the options below or set a custom amount and click to open the giving window.
Making an impact in our community, city, nation and the world.
Making an impact in our community, city, nation and the world.
Making an impact in our community, city, nation and the world.
Click to enter a custom amount