Online Giving

Simple and secure giving. Give one-time or schedule recurring giving by clicking the Give button.

Give $10

Thank you for Giving.

Give $20

Thank you for Giving.

Give $50

Thank you for Giving.


Click to enter a custom amount

Giving with
Linked directly to our account, your contributions are immediately added to your personal, secure, user profile.
This will allow you to access your tax receipts each year with ease and to provide you with the flexbility to give online at any time.
Your personal information, including giving amounts, are never accessed by anyone other than our accounts department and for reconcilliation purposes only. 
As always, please remember to give within your means if using a credit card and know that we are grateful for your generosity towards the House.
God bless you as you give!
E-transfer & Text

You can e-transfer to

Add in the comments section if this is your tithe or an offering. You will receive a tax receipt showing these transactions at the end of the year.

Simply text the word "GIVE" to 844-957-3596

Complete giving information and credit/debit card details. Once complete, the information is securely saved for future gifts.
You can easily give at any time by texting a simple number (eg. 250) and hitting send!
Tax Receipts

As Christian City Church of Canda Society (Charitable BN: 86476 4733 RR0001) working as C3 Church Vancouver, we are able to provide tax receipts for all donations made over $5.00.


To receive a tax receipt, you must include your email and mailing address information in the space provided when making a donation.


Questions? Contact

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Allows you to give anytime, anywhere!